Planning An Evaluation? One Tool You Must Have in Your Arsenal

There is no disputing that your effectiveness in any endeavor comes down to your strategies and tools. Evaluations are no different.

The right power tool for the job
The evaluation design matrix is hands-down one of the most powerful planning tool you can have when planning, managing and conducting evaluations. With one glance, you get an overview of the questions the evaluation is seeking to answer, matched with the data collection techniques.
An evaluation design matrix usually includes the following linked elements:
• main evaluation issue
• general approach
• questions and sub questions
• type of questions and sub questions
• measures or indicators
• targets or standards (if normative)
• presence or absence of baseline data
• design strategy
• data sources
• sample or census
• data collection instrument
• data analysis and graphics
• comments.
All the above information is usually placed in a tabular form and visualized as the image below.

Source: (2009). Linda G. Morra-Imas and Ray C. Rist."The road to results : designing and conducting effective development evaluations", page 241.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank - refer to page 241
See an example of a completed evaluation on page 555.