João Canossa Dias, Director ARCIL
As a facilitator Ann is detail-oriented and driven to excel. Having been a participant in a workshop Ann organized in Amsterdam, I invited her to Portugal to facilitate an event of ours.
We had an intense and fruitful event; and we did!
Sarah Diop, Director, DevAlto Technologies
We have had the pleasure of working with Ann. Her assignment was to test our M&E software – LogAlto – and give us her comments and suggestions as an M&E expert. She exceeded our expectations for this assignment. The report was well presented, well written, and very clear. She has skills in M&E and strategic planning, but also has the ability to communicate and share information/knowledge in a unique, useful, constructive way. I was also very impressed by her attention to detail.
Marieke Noz
I specifically admire Ann‘s coordination skills. She manages to juggle a multitude of donors with their specific M&E requirements, deadlines and reporting demands, while organizing input from both our own colleagues as well as external partners worldwide.
I have benefitted and learned from the numerous internal review and planning meetings skillfully facilitated by Ann and have had the pleasure to witness her expertise in the various technical taskforces and expert panels she chairs and manages
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